Friday, June 22, 2012

Summer Reading and Other Fun, Non Social Media Stuff

Every year about this time I hit a blogging wall and just don't feel like spending a bunch of time online. Well, more time than the ridiculous amount of time I already spend online for work stuff, that is. And if I had a dollar for every blog post I've ever written about being burnt out on blogging and/or social media I'd have a decent wad of cash.

So instead of thrilling you with yet another post about how I don't have anything to say but feel compelled to write anyway, I figured I'd share some suggestions for summer fun. In case you didn't already know this about me, I'm an obsessive movie-goer and reader; I go to the movies usually at least once a week and am usually reading at least two books at a time: one actually reading and one audiobook. So if you're looking for suggestions of good books or movies, chances are I have some.
  • Movies in the theater now? Prometheus was good but not great, The Dictator was really bad (and I loved Borat so I'm not just a hater of those kinds of movies), The Avengers was awesome, Men in Black 3 was good but not great, Rock of Ages (yes, I saw that) was basically how I expected it to be: it sucked but was mildly entertaining, Snow White and the Huntsman was pretty good but a bit long, and What to Expect When You're Expecting was cuter than I thought it would be, and That's My Boy was raunchy but pretty funny. According to my mom, Monsieur Lazhar and Moonrise Kingdom were both great. (By the way, I actually do like non-crap movies, but with two kids and a husband, none of whom are interested in indy movies, I mostly have to watch those on Netflix when everyone is asleep.)
  • Movies I want to see but haven't seen: Safety Not Guaranteed, Your Sister's Sister, and basically every movie playing this week during Silverdocs...of which I will sadly be seeing none because I didn't buy tickets early enough. 
  • Books I recommend: for more books than you probably want me to list here you can check out my Goodreads profile where I am pretty good about adding new books and rating those I've read as I finish them. Book I'm currently obsessed with? The House at Riverton. It's basically Downton Abbey crossed with the Great Gatsby, at least in my mind. In other words, it's close to perfection. Also Augusten Burrough's new book, This is How: Proven Aid in Overcoming Shyness, Molestation, Fatness, Spinsterhood, Grief, Disease, Lushery, Decrepitude & More. For Young and Old Alike. "Obsessed with" does not even begin to describe my feelings for Augusten Burroughs, and, while it took a while to get into this book because it's a pretty big departure from the style of his former books, now that I am into it, it is practically a religious experience it's so good. Said the person who is not at all religious in the traditional sense, so take that as you will. Also--sidebar--it pains my heart greatly that the number one bestselling book in the country right now is Fifty Shades of Grey. Yes, I read it--the first one only--and, call me a snob, but the writing is horrible. And yes I'm aware that the masses are not reading it because of the quality writing, but still. But props to her for going from being self-published to bestselling author with, I'm sure, a movie deal in the works.
  • TV Shows: Shows that I've loved this past year, which are probably either available on Netflix or on-demand cable: Homeland, Nurse Jackie, Dexter, Boardwalk Empire, Girls, House of Lies, Mad Men,  and, of course, Downton Abbey. 
Anyone have other suggestions for good books, movies or TV shows? And I don't count business books as fun--but you might ;)