My other blog, Motherwhatnowredux, is named after a psychadelic little doll made in 1969, Mother What Now. The title Mother What Now (The doll's package read: "The Downsy Frazzled Mom and her Go-Getter Car")--was what I thought to be a very clever combination of my love for kiddles and my former SAHM life in which could have aptly been described as a downsy frazzled mom. The redux on the end was because I'd formerly has a blog named motherwhatnowredux.
Miss Information was also an Upsy-Downsy--actually, a Downsy, just like Mother What Now. Now the metaphor isn't as really as accurate as it was for Motherwhatnow because this blog won't, of course, be a "Miss information booth."
Anyway, sadly the name Miss Information was already taken so Mizz Information at blogspot it is.