Monday, October 24, 2011

Blogging and Busy-ness

I love writing, which is why I love blogging. Which is why it makes me sad when life gets too busy to keep up with this blog, let alone my personal "fun" blog. When I started blogging over six years ago, it was for pure enjoyment. Nobody read it...well, except my mom. My job at the time had nothing to do with blogging or social media, and after recently "on-ramping" back to the work world after an eight year hiatus, I was basically in an entry-level position and had plenty of time to blog.

Fast forward to the present. Blogging has gone from being a fun, creative hobby to a career for me. I manage my org's blog and social media presences, and frequently speak about blogging and social media. While it's great that I've come this far after having to start over career-wise at age 35, it's stressful. My kids and husband do plenty of grumbling about how much time I spend online. My son, who is 13, doesn't understand why I don't have the kind of job that you just do at the office from 9-5, and he doesn't  see why I would "waste time" blogging. Well, unless I get some kind of swag out of it--he is an even worse swag whore than I am and loves him a free t-shirt, thumb drive or, best yet, Wii game. And yes, I do shamelessly ply him with any swag I receive in an attempt to assuage my guilt over the amount of time I spend on this "hobby."

At any rate, I have a lot of cool things coming up, all related to blogging. Later this week I'll be writing about Give to the Max Day and kicking off my first-ever fundraiser. In a few weeks I'll be participating in DelCor's Progress U Blogger Summit. Then I'll be heading to San Diego for ASHA's annual conference, THEN presenting at ASAE's Technology conference at the beginning of December. Yikes...maybe my son has a point....

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